J. Dwight Foulk

J. Dwight Foulk
Dwight is co-founder and co-owner of A New Start Counseling Center, Inc. and has more than 35 years of clinical experience.
For years, clients have expressed their appreciation for the unwavering support and loyalty Dwight exhibits through their difficult times, his contagious and seemingly boundless energy and for the ability to have appropriately brought a sense of humor to painful times, thus employing the gift of humor as a healing agent in the psychotherapy process. Dwight is a man of faith and, when appropriate, has worked to incorporate spiritual components into the counseling process. He has endeavored to do so with sensitivity in regard to the belief or faith of others. He believes we all have the capacity to heal and grow, especially through difficult and challenging times. Ironically, Dwight has gained new perspective since he has struggled for more than two years with spinal issues, which required seven surgeries and unfortunately sustained permanent lumbar nerve damage. Consequently, Dwight is on permanent disability from working with clients and is currently grappling with his own professional redefinition. It is proving to be a challenging, yet rewarding experience.
Because Dwight will no longer be seeing clients at the center, he will be afforded time to focus energy on his areas of strength through supervision of master’s level, license-eligible professional staff, by assisting in the acquisition of their professional licenses. Likewise, he will be providing direction and oversight in marketing and practice/professional development. Dwight has always been visionary, and through synergistically teaming with talented business partners, he has been able to see ANSCC grow from a professional staff of three when starting in January 1991 to twenty professional staff currently. Dwight also will provide oversight for the physical facilities in addition to serving as president of the Habersham Business Park Condominium Association.
As he progresses, Dwight hopes to avail himself of opportunities to write, teach and consult with businesses on matters of wellness, particularly as it is impacted by mental health awareness. Dwight is a gifted speaker and presenter and hopes to return to those activities in the future. One area of definite interest in the consulting arena is chronic pain and more specifically how to develop the necessary coping skills for enhancing acceptance, growth, progress and redefinition.
Education & Experience
- Licensed Professional Counselor with 35+ years of experience
- MS in Community Counseling from Georgia State University
- Diploma integrating psychology and theology from the Psychological Studies Institute (recently re-named Richmont Graduate University)
- BA in Leadership Communications from East Tennessee State University
Dwight has been married for more than 38 years to a school psychologist in Griffin Spalding Schools and together they have two adult children. His son completed an MBA and is in the consulting field and his daughter is pursuing a graduate degree in rehabilitation counseling and plans to obtain her PhD in counseling psychology. Dwight’s hobbies and interests have logically shifted from more active, project-oriented activities to those of a more sedate, restful and recuperative nature.